Friday, June 12, 2015

You may know fireflies because they can produce an amazing light at night. But do you know other insects that can produce light like fireflies? There are so many, but we only feature one insect called Glowworm beetle- the adult females can produce magnificent light at night too- the lights glow from both sides along the body segment. Glowworm beetle comes from a family of Phengodidae. Unfortunately, the adult males can’t produce light like female.
The most amazing thing about Glowworm beetles are not just about beautiful light producing, but it is all about Antennas. Glowworm beetles are mostly in southern Canada to Chile.
Glowworm beetles with Amazing and Beatiful Antennas 5Unknown
Glowworm beetles with Amazing and Beatiful Antennas 6Unknown
Glowworm beetles with Amazing and Beatiful Antennas 9
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