Monday, June 22, 2015

While when i go to a new place my spouse and i salary little or maybe zero attention on the hotel my partner and i are generally exactly about to stay throughout AS WELL AS This is since the i usually are engrossed within capturing As much As possible AS WELL AS enjoying Metropolis itself. However, an hotel plays an huge role Making use of your good disposition AND ability for you to take pleasure in your current area of choice AND choosing the correct hotel will probably within fact make or maybe ruin your entire experience. Here is why once you have stayed throughout Hotel Charme Paris, You might never think connected with staying in another hotel again. Hotel Charme Paris does not singular present brilliant place to take to be able to just about any place associated with selection in ease but additionally combines The idea within awesome rates. no matter whether that you are traveling alone with business, ALONG WITH your own partner at a good romantic getaway as well as through the family regarding the vacation You\'ll find That Hotel Charme Paris can take an individual ones Least complicated possible packages shown for the market.
The “raptor taming” scene in newly released film Jurassic World has inspired zoologists and lay-people alike around the world to recreate the moment with more docile creatures. In the film, Chris Pratt plays Owen Grady, a velociraptor expert who seems to dominate the dinosaurs like a lion tamer.
Tumblr user feminerds started the Jurassic-craze this Wednesday, when she posted a screen capture of the scene alongside a photograph of a zookeeper reenacting the pose with three walruses. Since then, dozens have posted their own versions under #JurassicZoo, #ZoorassicWorld, and #PrattKeeping.
More info: Tumblr (h/t: huffpost)

The famous "raptor taming" scene in Jurassic World


And then this started...


Hilarious Zookeepers Recreate Jurassic World Scene With Non-dinosaurs

Monday, June 15, 2015

I create Steampunk Artwork, clothing, gadgets and props for photoshoots and filming. Its my hobby and I do it in my spare-time. There is no commercial purpose behind, I do it because its my passion. I try to use only authentic materials, such as old leather, steel, brass, copper, wood and glass. Nearly nothing is glued, most parts are reversible connected with screws.
I take my parts from flea markets. I like the smell of old leather and wood and the patina, old things wear. Every part I use for my works has its own history to tell.
The costume is made of metal, brass, copper and leather. There are no plastic parts or glued gears. Weight is about 90lbs!
More info: | Facebook

Who is Mad Max?

Ralph Mirebs, an urban explorer and photographer in Russia, has revealed extraordinary photos of Soviet space shuttle prototypes gathering dust in an abandoned hangar in Kazakhstan.
The abandoned hangar is located at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, which is still in operation today (with the close of NASA’s shuttle program, Russian Soyuz shuttles are the only way for astronauts to reach the International Space Station). The Buran prototype shuttles found by Mirebs, however, are from an earlier era – they are the last remnants of a space program that began in 1974 and was finally shuttered in 1993. The only operational Buran shuttle, Orbiter 1K1, completed one unmanned orbital flight before it was grounded. Unfortunately, this shuttle was destroyed in a hangar collapse in 2002.
Mirebs’ photos show this forgotten space program derelict and frozen in time. Hopefully, his photos will inspire the Russian government to put these shuttles in a museum where they belong.
More info: Livejournal (h/t: gizmodo)

This abandoned hangar at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan holds a historic treasure…

…two abandoned space shuttles from the scrapped Soviet “Buran” space shuttle program

The program was cancelled in 1993 after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and only one unmanned orbital flight was ever completed

The hangar once maintained an artificially high atmospheric pressure to keep dust out, but those systems have long since failed

Now, the shuttles are covered in dust and bird droppings, and have shattered ceramic tiles and windows

Some of the equipment has been torn out – perhaps salvaged for rare earth metals

The rear shuttle was to be an operational prototype while the one in the front was a test mock-up

The shuttles are still surrounded by the pneumatic platforms that allowed workers to work without damaging any ceramic tiles

“The romance of space exploration is gone, leaving only dry figures and financial statistics. Why spend billions on space if it does not bring profit in the foreseeable future?” Mirebs asks on his blog

“The race between the two superpowers had a beneficial effect on scientific and technical progress”

“You can regret the lost time and mourn the greatness of the past, but the facts remain – Russia is rapidly losing its status as a leading space power”

“Rise from the ashes!”

Faces of the Wild is a new portrait series showing humans inside of an animal sheath.
The project was inspired by captive animals, rocking back and forth in their cages at the zoo as the result of mental anguish from being held inside of enclosures for extended periods of time. I have always been distraught at how silent wild majestic animals must feel while living at a zoo, away from any natural habitat that emulates their native environments.
The United States owns so much land, enough to provide free-range environments where there wouldn’t be fences for dozens of miles. Maybe this photo series will open up the eyes of those who don’t realize how primitive the life of a captive wild animal really is.
More info: Kickstarter | Instagram | Facebook
Clarée is a French Alps valley near Briançon and the Italian border. It’s called the Golden Valley because when autumn comes, the trees change color and become red, orange or yellow.
I go there every year for a few days. For me this place is one of the most beautiful in France. There are many hikes along the river that run through the valley, allowing you to discover lakes and waterfalls, magnificent forests and isolated houses.
I leave you a preview of this valley, including photographs and cinematography. Don’t hesitate to come in France to visit this beauty!
More info: